
Computed Tomography 

Radiation Services, Inc.’s Qualified Medical Physicists(ABR and/or ABMP certified with many years of experience) will ensure that your facility complies with Florida regulations and accreditation standards. RSI provides acceptance and annual evaluations, accreditation, establishing and maintaining a quality control program, and compliance with state regulations and TJC/ACR guidelines.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Radiation Services, Inc.’s Qualified Medical Physicists(ABR and/or ABMP certified with many years of experience) will ensure that your facility complies with Florida regulations and accreditation standards.  The physicists are highly experienced with the many diverse types of MRI scanners from low field and high field scanners, upright open MRI systems, along with closed dedicated magnets.


Radiation Services, Inc.’s Qualified Medical Physicists(ABR and/or ABMP certified with many years of experience) will ensure that your facility complies with Florida regulations and ACR/FDA accreditation standards.  We provide acceptance and annual evaluations, accreditation, establishing and maintaining a quality control program, evaluations following major repairs & upgrades, and FDA/ACR guidance.


Radiation Services, Inc.’s personnel will ensure that your facility complies with ACR accreditation standards with annual evaluations and accreditation for both US and Breast US.

Nuclear Medicine/PET

Radiation Services, Inc.’s personnel will provide regulatory support, annual and semi-annual evaluations, and accreditation for planar, SPECT & PET systems.


Radiation Services, Inc. offers many medical physics services for new or existing equipment to confirm that it is operating correctly while complying with the Florida Control of Radiation Hazard Regulations.  Also, we can also provide integrity testing of personal protective devices such as lead aprons, thyroid shields, gonadal shields, etc. as required by The Joint Commission (TJC).


Radiation Services Inc. offers assistance to facilities constructing or modifying diagnostic imaging rooms using ionizing radiation.  RSI can provide the shielding specifications needed for these rooms and shielding evaluations once the rooms are constructed or modified.

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