Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is well known for producing exceptional tissue contrast in diagnostic images. Numerous types of MRI scanners are utilized from a wide range of magnetic field strengths and various structural designs providing unique advantages for specific exams and individual patients.

The board-certified physicists at Radiation Services, Inc. are highly experienced with the many diverse types of MRI scanners from low field and high field scanners, upright open MRI systems, along with closed dedicated magnets. Our staff is well educated and qualified to provide all medical physics support activities for MRI including the following:

  • Acceptance and Annual Evaluations
  • Accreditation (ACR, IAC, RadSite, TJC)
  • Establishing and Monitoring the ACR’s Technologist Quality Control Program
  • Assessing the MRI Safety Program

Please contact us today to learn more about how Radiation Services, Inc. can help you.

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